Texas Airmen run to help Published June 4, 2009 By Tech. Sgt. Craig Lifton 136th AW Public Affairs NAVAL AIR STATION, FT.WORTH, Texas -- The Airmen of the 136th Airlift Wing don't run away from helping out the community but for it, helping to raise money for a charitable cause. Participating in the first Fort Worth Can! Academy 5K run, the Airmen here recently, helped raise money for an organization of charter schools for at-risk youths. "We ran with our student flight," said Master Sgt. Anthony Jimenez, the 136th Mission Support Group First Sgt., referring to Airmen who are waiting to attend basic training. "As NCOs' it's our duty to mentor these young future Airman any which way possible." The morning was hot, Jimenez recalled how hot the morning was but how the run was along the curvy Trinity River and was under a lot of shade from the trees which kept them cool. The Fort Worth Can! Academy is part of the Texas Can! which is a group of 10 charter schools. According to the Texans Can! website, their mission is to make available a second chance for at-risk youth and their families for independence and hope for a better life through relationship-based education and training. The proceeds from the event went to help the students of the Fort Worth Can! Academy. "I heard about the run through Sgt. Jimenez," said Senior Master Sgt. William Tell, the Operations and Compliance NCO in charge from the 136th Logistics Readiness Squadron. "I'm always interested in charitable events and runs." Tell and the others were also happy to meet Tim Brown, a Heisman Trophy winner and retired Oakland Raider wide receiver, shook hands and signed autographs. "This was the Fort Worth Can! Academy's first 5k run," said Tell. "I hope to be invited back next year." Tell and several Airmen in the student flight placed in their age groups and won awards for the run. The entrance fees for the members of the 136 AW were paid for by contributions from the wings Chief's and First Sergeants Councils.